The family of Richard G. Redfern uploaded a photo
Monday, April 20, 2020
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Betsy Doggett Carr posted a condolence
Thursday, September 27, 2018
It breaks my heart to hear the news that my Uncle Richie has passed. An Uncle made by love, one of my parents long time best friends. I probably learned every 4 letter word from him and that he called broccoli trees. We were to never repeat what he said, but it always was a delicious pleasure to hear him speak. Probably why I speak like a sailor now. The biggest heart hidden under a sarcastic exterior, a heart that would have been enough for a million children and unfortunately they had us. ♀️ I will always be thankful for you in my life. Until we meet again, I love you. ❤️❤️❤️
Jim Hulsizer posted a condolence
Monday, September 24, 2018
Rich was a true character and genuine individual. I always enjoyed our visits when he would stop by the seafood counter at Publix. He didn’t suffer fools well and his love for Mariann showed in his eyes when he looked at her. The world is a little less colorful with his passing. Happy trails Rich.
Eldon (Nick) Nickerson posted a condolence
Friday, September 21, 2018
Rich was a long time friend and shipmate. I can still remember the wall mural he painted on the messdeck at Gloucester Station. Rich was always good for a laugh with his sometimes questionable humor. Here’s wishing him calm winds and following seas. Semper Paratus!
Pedro D. Marticio posted a condolence
Friday, September 21, 2018
Rich was a true friend and a good shipmate , spent many of hours on SAR cases with him. He will be surly missed by all who knew him. R.I.P. brother.
Martin Field posted a condolence
Friday, September 21, 2018
I’m another Maverick, an old chum from England. Rich was my oldest friend I never met. We linked up over his superbly readable website Model Boat Wizards and have been the very best of friends ever since. He has often been my “get up and go” and, he told me, I was his. He never let me down when contacting me was difficult while I lived afloat. He was the best read man I ever met, the wisest counsel and the funniest old devil, if you shared his wit. Rude, but never crude, caustic, but never vicious. I shall miss him every time I think model boats or half expect another of his densely thought out e-mails. My heart goes out to Mariann.. They were a Hell of a couple.
God bless, you old curmudgeon.
Redding Family posted a condolence
Friday, September 21, 2018
Please accept my sincere condolences. May you receive comfort during this time. Psalms 94:19
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